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Microsoft unveils Windows 8; Set for a 2012 release.

Updated September 15,2011

Microsoft has revealed the next generation of its Windows operating system. Set to be released in 2012, Windows 8 is seen as Microsoft's answer to Apples iOS and Google's Android platforms, Windows 8 is designed to work on tablet computers in addition to conventional PC's.

Speaking at the Build developers' conference in California, Steven Sinofsky, president of the Windows division of Microsoft, stated: "We re-imagined Windows. From the chipset to the user experience."

Two versions of the system are set to be launched; a traditional desktop version similar to previous editions of Windows, and a new Tablet version known as Metro; which features among other things larger controls to make touchscreen use easier. Furthermore, the software is set to work on ARM-designed low power processors for the first time.

Microsoft plans to offer Windows 8 Apps through its Windows store; something that suggests that they have responded to the overwhelmingly popular App stores available on Apple and Android devices.

On another note, we at 4Media are pleased to confirm that all of our Windows software will continue to work perfectly on the Windows 8 operating system. This means that you can continue to enjoy using our fantastic products whenever you choose to update to Windows 8 or buy a new computer that uses Windows 8.

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