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Colorful Sony PlayStation Portable will hit the market - Mp4 Converter

Updated November 3,2006

You can have your Sony PlayStation Portable in any color you want, as long as it's black. Until later this month, that is. We've heard rumblings of the Sony pink PSP, and now we know that's due on November 22. We're also hearing that Sony plans to start rolling out other colors, up to five in all.

The Sony company announced the silver PlayStation Portable will be delivered on December 14 with the blue one following closely behind on December 22. Is it us, or do these look like cheap toys?


If you're really hot for different colors for your Sony PlayStation Portable, there's no need to buy a new one-just get a faceplate for $50, or you can get decal/skins in your choice of 40 colors for just $9. - Charlie White

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