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Brando introduced multi-functional dock not only for the iPod music player - Mp4 Converter

Updated November 3,2006

Why dock one thing when you can dock everything? This multi-functional dock from Brando not only docks your iPod music player(3G and up), allowing it to sync with Apple iTunes and recharge, but there's support for Sony Ericsson phones, Nokia mobile phones, and Sony PlayStation Portables.

It's not quite the everything that we had hoped for, but since Brando releases 83 items a week, we're sure they will release a dock that docks your RAZR, Microsoft Xbox 360, Meizu Mini Player, Dell 2407FP, Sonicare Toothbrush, other docks, HTC phones, your glasses, the USS Enterprise (D, not E), an ex-girlfriend, Charlie White, a boat, ColecoVisions, the International Space Station, Sony's E-Reader and a Lexus.

But not the Microsoft Zune player. - Jason Chen

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