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Lavod MP3 Bike Speaker and Flashlight - MP4Converter

Updated May 7,2009

We've seen the Podio MP3 speaker yesterday, and today let's take a look at the Lavod MP3 Bike Speaker and Flashlight that does not only playback your favorite tunes while you pedal furiously to shed those post-holiday pounds, but you will also be able to take advantage of the built-in flashlight functionality should you be unfortunate enough to encounter a loose chain when dusk falls, and need all the light possible along a lonely, deserted road to place the chain back in its proper position.

This handlebar-mounted gizmo blasts out your favourite tunes so you can rock and roll without tangling with potentially dangerous headphones. What's more it enables riders to hear tweetering birds alongside the melodious strains of Cannibal Corpse. And if that doesn't flutter your mudflaps you can listen to its FM radio. You can even preset the stations using the accompanying software. The Lavod Speaker is USB-friendly. Simply plug it in and drag your songs onto its 2GB onboard memory. Easy, and you won't need to faff about with batteries because this beautifully engineered gadget is charged via your computer, its rechargeable battery delivering a whopping 8-10 hours of continuous playback.

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